
Creating Masters in Mathematics

Maths Challenges
The Creative Learning Centres offer a one day workshop combining maths and computing to design, develop and create Apps.
The challenge is open to students aged 5-11 years old and involves designing and manufacturing the fastest car possible emulating the design and engineering processes employed by real engineering companies, such as Jaguar Cars. The Jaguar Primary School Challenge is sponsored and supported by Jaguar
The BLOODHOUND engineering adventure provides us with a once in a lifetime opportunity to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. To achieve this ambitious goal, the BLOODHOUND Education Programme will be made available to all pupils in primary and secondary schools
Resources for students
You’ll find lots of fun games in this section. Just choose a topic and pick a game to play.
All the games will help you to learn maths facts such as times tables or improve your subtraction skills so that you can answer questions quickly and accurately. Try out your maths skills against other students in challenges such as SUMDOG. or ask your teacher to join times table rockstars so that you can try and beat your own score!
Don’t forget to tell your friends and your teacher about your favourite game or impress them with your knowledge of shape names and properties after playing the games like shape lab in the geometry zone.
This site has been designed and created by Rotherham Creative Learning to support children and families with mathematics.

Hello and welcome to Bubblemath. The aim of this website is to provide access to a wide range of resources to support the teaching and learning of maths from early years to year 6.
Resources for Teachers
Our resources for teachers have been designed and developed to support teachers and school staff to deliver Maths confidently.
In this section you will find a range of resources produced by the Rotherham School Improvement Service, as well as a number of links to external resources.
We are keen to update the site with the best support for teachers available. Please do let us know of any resources you find so we can add them to our site.

Support for Parents
Hello and welcome to the parent zone. Here you will find resources and information about the Primary Maths Curriculum and ways to best support your child in developing their maths skills.
Everyone knows that school is not the only place where children learn. Home life plays a vital part in the development of children both emotionally, socially and academically.
Completing maths tasks at home, is extremely valuable. This may include helping with homework or it may involve providing children with maths tasks at home, such as counting or grouping objects, counting coins and working out costs, calculating change at the shop, learning about time, measuring ingredients, describing and sorting shapes, and learning times tables.
Another way to support your child with maths at home is to encourage them to play the games in the student zone. One of the key aims of the new maths curriculum is to develop children’s arithmetic skills so that they can answer basic addition, multiplication, subtraction and division calculations quickly and accurately. Some of the games and challenges encourage children to play and beat their previous time or score. Such games and challenges will improve their speed and accuracy in basic arithmetic.
The new curriculum also expects that children know all the times tables facts up to 12 X 12 by the time they leave Year 4. This prepares them for the maths learning in years 5 and 6. One of best ways to learn times tables is by playing games that encourage children to recall the facts again and again and so that they learn them by heart. We have lots of games in the student zone to support children in all year groups to learn their tables.
For children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (nursery and reception classes) please click on games to support EYFS in the useful links section of your zone. Choose a game and encourage your child to play.
Welcome to Bubblemath