Healthy Schools scheme
In order that children, young people and staff fulfil their potential and are able to contribute fully to society, it is expected that schools should consider the broader aspects of health (emotional/mental, social and physical) within life in and out of school. Schools should not just be reacting to need; they are expected to be proactive, aiming to prevent issues from arising via both a universal and targeted safeguarding approach – the ‘golden thread’ mentioned by Ofsted. The Healthy Schools Scheme provides a broad framework for schools to be able to audit their health related provision and identify strengths and areas for development. It is not prescriptive as no two schools are the same; it allows schools the flexibility to meet need in a way that suits the needs of the whole school community. Most importantly, ‘Hints and Tips’ to aid completion,are regularly updated to reflect national requirements on schools, whilst being based on good practice to help guide schools.
Ofsted judgements on Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare are also supported by this work, especially the contribution to universal safeguarding via the PSHE curriculum and whole school ethos. In order to recognise schools’ preference for different levels of engagement with the Healthy Schools Scheme, rather than an ‘all or nothing’ accreditation process, ‘Basic’ Bronze level; ‘Developing’ Silver level and ‘Enhanced Gold’ level are available to suit schools’ needs.
The Scheme, includes the curriculum area of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), and supports Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development in schools. This includes the development of fundamental British Values, contributing to the Prevent agenda. ’The curriculum subject of PSHE, is also recognised as being the vehicle by which planned essential skills and attributes can be taught to help develop ‘character’. While not defining character for schools, the DfE has described character as a set of traits, attributes and behaviours such as: perseverance, resilience and grit; confidence and optimism; motivation, drive and ambition; neighbourliness and community spirit; tolerance and respect; honesty, integrity and dignity; conscientiousness, curiosity and focus.
The National Document, Promoting children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing A whole school and college approach PHE 2015, outlines eight principles to promote emotional health and wellbeing in schools and colleges; these mirror the criteria in the Healthy Schools Scheme’s Whole School Review audit tool. Therefore, schools achieving, or working towards achieving RHSS accreditation at basic Bronze level, are working to promote the emotional health and wellbeing of pupils.
Resources for Teachers
This section provides resources to support active teaching and learning that have been previewed are up to date, and reflect good practice. However, it is important that staff carefully preview resources themselves before using in school , to ensure they will meet the needs of their pupils and reflect the ethos of school. We always encourage staff to adapt sessions/resources to meet the needs of pupils.
Thursday 26th January, 3.30 to 5.30pm
Course code 16MID033A
Termly Healthy Schools newsletters are provided to keep schools up to date with the broad areas relating to the healthy schools scheme, including curriculum aspects. This includes current national and local requirements, information advice and guidance regarding developments, trends, issues, opportunities and resources