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We have developed several projects to help primary and secondary phase schools enhance the pupils’ learning related to Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship education.   This includes aspects of drug education and relationships and sexual health education that can be enhanced by these projects.

Read the individual descriptions for further information and booking details.

All Phases

Heartstart Emergency Life Support Project


The British Heart Foundation funded resources for schools to deliver a programme of emergency life support to students from Y1 through to adults.  Although the taking on of new schemes has been suspended by the BHF, we continue to support the current school schemes including training up new instructors, to maintain standards of delivery in schools.  The skills enhance pupils’ resilience in cases of emergency.

Skills covered include:


  • Getting help,

  • dealing with a conscious casualty,

  • dealing with an unconscious casualty,

  • serious bleeding ,

  • choking,

  • heart attack,

  • recovery position,

  • cardiac compression

  • rescue breathing


Any queries please contact us.

Barnardos Real Love Rocks Project- Rotherham


Staff from Barnardos Project in Rotherham are able to be booked to come in to primary, secondary, special and PRU schools to deliver up to four age appropriate lessons.  These explore healthy relationships and how to keep safe and happy both now and in the future.


Primary phase:

The project is aimed at children in year 6 and follows the ‘B U Crew’ as the children learn about four key themes:

·       Relationships: what they are and what makes a happy, safe and fair relationship.

·       Grooming: what it is and how to get help if a child feels uncomfortable.

·       Keeping Safe: how to stay safe, especially as they begin to get an increased independence and go to       secondary school.

·       Being Online: How to keep safe when online, on phones, computers, tablets and when gaming.


Secondary phase:

The project is aimed at young people in years 7-9 (although some schools may choose to use it in higher years); it addresses  four key themes:

·       Relationships: What they are and what makes a happy, safe, fair and consensual relationship.

·       Child Sexual Exploitation: What it means, the different ways it might happen and where to get help if needed.

·       Keeping Safe: Encouraging young people to think about how to stay safe when they are out and about; highlighting the added risk that alcohol, drugs or not being in contact with parents/careers can bring.

·       Impact of Watching Porn and Sexting: The impact of watching porn and the possible consequences. The risks involved in sexting and how to stay safe online.


For further information and to discuss booking the delivery of the sessions contact or from the ReachOut team managers at The Junction, 10 Nightingale Court, Nightingale Close, Moorgate, Rotherham, S60 2AB or telephone 01709 377157

Primary Phase

All Geared Up PLUS Theatre in Education Performances – Drug education and CSE (organised by RHS)

From the school year 2016-17 age appropriate links in the drug education related performance will also be made to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) e.g. how substances/gifts can be used in the grooming process. Each ‘All Geared Up PLUS’ performance is now interwoven with workshop elements and will last approximately 90 minutes, watched by all Y6 pupils at the same time.

The performance continues to cover substance misuse awareness and associated issues, such as peer pressure, consequences, influences, personal image, relationships, choices and decision making. The actors make the links related to substances and CSE via the interspersed workshop elements so children will have a common understanding at the end of the performance.

Contact us for further information and to make a booking.

Puberty/human development sessions

Puberty should be taught before children begin to experience it and with children going through puberty earlier, this means that leaving it until Y6 (or to the ‘big school’!) should definitely not be an option.  Research shows that puberty and RSHE teaching are protective factors linked to reducing risk of CSE.   See guidance on content for puberty from the Science and PSHE subject Associations 2016)

We have developed three different sessions for children relating to puberty/human development  for schools; they can be used as a form of CPD if a member of staff feels apprehensive about how to approach the topic of puberty/human development.

Session 1 Introduction to Puberty: Suggested Y5.

Session 2 More about puberty suggested Y6

Session 3 How babies are made (Y6 only)

If your school would like a  nationally qualified, specialist PSHE teacher to come to school to deliver a puberty session to the children, contact us for further information and/or to book a session.

Childline/NSPCC Stay Safe, Speak Out project


Over the last five years, most Rotherham schools have been using the year 5&6 Childline schools programme, looking at the different signs of abuse.  The exciting news is that the programme is being extended for KS1 and years 3&4, being re-branded ‘Stay Safe, Speak Out’. 


The Speak out Stay safe programme, offered at no cost to schools, will ensure all children aged 4-11 learn this essential safeguarding information in a lively, interactive and memorable way. By the end of the visit  pupils feel empowered and can speak out and stay safe.

With the help of the mascot Buddy, the programme provides child-friendly, interactive assemblies and workshops to help children.


  • understand abuse in all its forms and recognise the signs of abuse

  • know how to protect themselves from all forms of abuse

  • know how to get help, and the sources of help available to them, including the ChildLine service.


Rotherham schools that are already engaged with theChildline schools programme do not need to do anything as Liz Kirwan will contact you to arrange the additional assembly session and the input will continue every two years.  The few Rotherham schools that have not engaged with this programme already will be able to contact Liz Kirwan to plan a future input for their school:


Special schools have been offered the opportunity to work with the NSPCC to adapt resources and delivery to meet the needs of students in their school during the school year 2016-17.. 

Secondary Phase

Drug Lifestory Project


The aim of this project is to give young people an overview of the life of a former substance misuser, risks and consequences, and to enable the young person to make a more informed choice around the use of substances, including alcohol, novel psychoactive substances (NPS) and illegal drugs if/when a situation arises.  (The impact is such that the Project Workers do not have to say ‘do not use drugs’; the students are able to decide this for themselves)

As a result of the session young people will have the opportunity to:

·      Increase their knowledge of the effects of substances

·      Consider their own views about former substance misusers

·      Consider their own future substance use

The Project worker speaks to a class size group of young people.  The students ask a series of 12 provided set questions to reveal the impact of a life of drug misuse and then are able to ask any additional questions at the end. Pre and post evaluations are completed to measure impact.

Contact RHS for further information

PEP Talks Project – the impact of being a teenage parent.


The PEP Talks Project supports relationships education in Y9 and/or Key stage 4 curriculum.  The Project workers tell a class sized group of students about their own experience around becoming a teenage parent and the issues they have had to deal with and the effect it has had on their lives and the lives of their wider families.  They disperse the myths some of the public associate as benefits of being a teenage parent.  The input impacts on three main areas:

  • The knowledge of the students around being a teenage parent

  • The attitudes of students about/towards teenage parents

  • The intentions of the students regarding teenage parenthood.

We evaluate the impact on the students before and after the input to measure the differences made, and also we evaluate the usefulness of the input from the staff point of view regarding the contribution to the Personal, Social, Health and Economic education curriculum.

Contact RHS for further information

CSE Lifestory


The Project worker can work with any size group, including full year groups, however, audience interaction will be inhibited with larger groups.  The session starts with the use of a PowerPoint and an introduction to healthy relationships leading to unhealthy relationships and terms associated with CSE, including grooming.  A unique film is shown and then the Project worker reveals that the film is the story of her life.  She goes on to explain what happened and explores what might have stopped her from being a victim of CSE.  These protective messages are re-enforced. 


The session lasts approximately 1 hour, to meet the needs of the school.

Contact RHS for further information.

Plus me HIV/AIDS education project


Karl from Plus me delivers sessions to secondary age students (Y9 and above) focussing on knowledge and information related to HIV and AIDS awareness.  The input uses PowerPoint and interactive activities working with class sized groups of young people during a lesson. A lifestory element can be included by request.


Contact Karl to discuss the input and to book sessions.

Tel: 07543442547

Theatre in Education related to prevention of Child Sexual Exploitation

From 2015 to 2017, Rotherham CCG and Public Health in RMBC have provided funding for theatre in education for secondary age children. Schools were asked to contribute £800  to enable the performances to be offered in to 2017.

 In the school year 2015-16

  • Chelsea’s Choice was performed to at least one year group in KS3, in every secondary school. Performances for appropriate students from special schools and pupil referral units also took place.  In addition, two evening performances for vulnerable young people and parents/carers were organised and fully subscribed.

  • Working for Marcus toured Rotherham secondary schools throughout the year to fit the curriculum requirements for a year group in KS4 (or Y9).  A performance only or performance and workshops is available.*


School Year 2016-17. 

  • Schools that made a financial contribution can have both performances again this year and choose if they would like the full day including workshops option linked to Working for Marcus.

  • Schools that did not contribute can have a performance of one of the productions for one year group (*if choosing Working for Marcus, schools have the option of paying £600 to have workshops for all year groups), .  Contact  for further information.

  • In addition a performance performed by local college students will be made available via PSHE Leads to secondary schools focusing on healthy and unhealthy relationships, grooming and domestic abuse.

Rotherham Healthy Schools
Rotherham School Improvement Service
 Tel: 01709 334005
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